20k DWI Convictions May Vanish In NJ
State Police Sgt. Marc Dennis, who was in charge of calibrating breathalyzer devices, was indicted in 2016 for failing to follow the calibration protocol and lying on official state documents regarding proper procedures. The accusations against Sgt. Dennis called into question any test result involving a machine he handled, including devices used by local police in Monmouth, Ocean, Middlesex, Somerset, and Union Counties between 2008 and 2016.
In their unanimous Supreme Court decision issued on Tuesday, the justices found that any devices handled by Sgt. Dennis were inadmissible as evidence. As a result, as many as 20,667 DWI convictions could now be challenged. As part of their decision, the justices ordered state authorities to notify anyone whose case involved results from machines calibrated by Sgt. Dennis.
If you or someone you know receive a letter in this regard, there is a chance your conviction can be vacated. Contact top DWI attorneys The Moriarty Law Firm for a free consultation.
Breathalyzer devices play an important role in New Jersey DWI convictions because they measure the blood-alcohol content of those accused of driving while intoxicated. However, they are not the only piece of evidence a Prosecutor needs to convict someone accused of DWI. Anyone accused or previously convicted of DWI should always contact our office to discuss their legal options.